School Council

At Parklands Primary School, our School Council members are a highly valued group of children who represent the voice and opinions of all the children within our school. Through our school council we aim to develop young leadership skills, whilst supporting student democracy. Most importantly, our strong team of councillors aim to promote the well-being of the children within our inclusive school.

The School’s Council is an ideal opportunity for pupils to get more involved in the way the school is run. The School Council benefits the whole school, pupils and teachers, because it provides opportunities for pupils to communicate their feelings as well as influence decisions that are made.

We have an active School Council with a representative from each class from Year 3 to Year 6. Each member was elected by their classmates at the beginning of the school year, after a short presentation explaining why they should be elected. The School Council then follows the principles of a democratic society to make decisions.

Members of the council meet monthly, taking part in school projects, organising fund raising events, discussing issues related to the curriculum and taking suggestions from their classmates.

Anti Bullying Committee

Our Anti Bullying Committee play an important role at Parklands Primary School. Our Anti Bullying Committee is coordinated by Mrs Malloy. Their Anti Bullying statement is as follows:

At Parklands we believe that everyone has a right to be listened to and a right to be heard. We seek to respect one another, understanding that we have a duty and responsibility to care for those around us. Our Anti-bullying committee propagates this message and each member works hard to stamp out bullying in our school.

We meet on a weekly basis with teachers to discuss how children are interacting in the playground. As a result, we are able to conduct a robust and effective approach to prevent bullying in our school.


Pupil Ambassadors have an important role to play in the daily life of Parklands Primary School. We have specific subject ambassadors in Science, PE and Maths who undertake a range of pupil led activities including times table support, participation in inter-school science activities and act as sports leaders within the school.

Our Year 6 leadership Ambassadors undergo an application process that includes a letter of application, shortlisting and an interview. Successful candidates are then offered an Ambassador role for a term. Pupils are made aware of the responsibility that accompanies this role and the high standards of behaviour that all Ambassadors must adhere to and promote across the school.

​An Ambassador role at Parklands Primary School is an excellent learning experience and a fantastic opportunity for children to excel, take responsibility and gain knowledge and skills that will benefit them immensely.

We are very proud of them.